Insurance and Utilities in 2024, Strategies for Homeowners and Renters in Dallas

Dallas homeowners and prospective homeowners have not only faced harsh winter conditions, whether renting or owning, but they have also faced incredible increases in utilities and insurance costs. Texas has been experiencing record-breaking winter storms, and as a result, prices are surging, representing further barriers for homeowners and homebuyers. Here are some of the reasons and ways to mitigate the financial impacts.

Current Insurance Climate 

According to a report by Irving Mejia-Hilario in The Dallas Morning News, Texas has witnessed an increase in home insurance rates, with a year-to-date surge of 16.4 percent in 2023 and a cumulative rise of 50.9 percent since 2022. Utility costs in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) and Arlington areas have similarly surged, with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reporting a jump from 236.460 to 302.955 in the consumer price index for household energy between 2021 and 2022.

These surges are related to several factors from severe weather, spikes in construction materials, and utility rate hikes. The reality is that homeowners and those looking to become homeowners, will need strategies and to be vigilant about mitigating these hikes. 

Climate, Growth, Strain 

Texas' climate has played a role in the escalating prices. The state's vulnerability to severe weather, coupled with an anticipated colder-than-usual January and February in 2024, indicates that homeowners may continue facing uncertain conditions in 2024. Additionally, the population boom in Texas over the past decade, pushing it past 30 million residents, has intensified the demand for reliable electricity. With the growth and strain on the power grid, the energy demand is actualized in hikes in costs. 

“Premium” Strategies for Homeowners: 


One strategy Texans may find savings relief from insurance premiums is through is bundling home, auto, boat, and RV insurance, which remains a powerful method to save money. Even bundling auto and homeowners insurance may provide savings if you are a middle-income earner without the other assets. recommends exploring discounts for membership in trade or professional associations, university alumni status, or other relevant groups.

Utility Costs 

Utility costs are anticipated to remain high. However, traditional cost-saving measures include moderating air conditioning usage in summer and heating in winter. Investing in greener initiatives like smart thermostats can further contribute to controlling home temperatures and keeping utility expenses in check. We discuss this in our recent blog which you can view here. 

Homeowners should adopt as many strategies as possible to weather financial storms related to increases in utilities and insurance premiums. Understanding the dynamics of escalating property-related costs in Dallas is crucial for homeowners preparing for the challenges of 2023/2024.  We hope to help our residents position themselves to navigate the economic landscape and minimize the impact of events beyond their control. If you would like more information on financial literacy programs, please see our resources!