Core Values
Economics do not define the value of a person or community
Diversity must be respected and encouraged
Housing provides access to opportunity
Communities must have their own voice
Our Vision
To achieve an equitable Dallas where every resident has the opportunity to succeed.
Our Mission
To optimize the human and physical potential of neighborhoods through the provision of housing, commercial space, and the collaborative delivery of resident services.
About Us
In 1989, a group of local leaders recognized the need to positively transform disinvested neighborhoods and preserve housing affordability. For over 30 years, Dallas City Homes has acquired rental properties in some of the most distressed areas of Dallas and converted those properties into safe, vibrant rental communities with good housing.
Since its inception DCH has developed or preserved the affordability of more than 2,400 apartments and participated in the construction, renovation or development of more than 350 homes for sale. DCH partners with neighborhood organizations, businesses, and national entities to support progressive housing policies that create healthy and sustainable communities.
Community Programming
Youth Services
On-site academic support
Skills curriculum
Arts and crafts
Enrichment activities and experiential learning
Summer camp
Incentive program to encourage and reward good decisions, leadership skills, community service, and positive behavior
Adult Services
Resident breakfasts to promote fellowship with neighbors and new families
Senior luncheons
Financial assistance
Clothing and furniture assistance
Community events to promote healthy family relations, unity, and awareness of available resources.
Community Events
National Night Out
Summer Bash
Back To School
Thanksgiving Feast
Christmas Celebration
Halloween Fun
Spring Break