How Does Dallas view Dallas? Insights from the 2023 Dallas Community Survey
Many of us find ourselves reflecting as we finish out the year and look to the year ahead. This perspective is so valuable when goal setting because we can evaluate where we came from and where we are going, both individually, as a community, and as an organization. We would like to share with you insights from the 2023 Dallas Community Survey in that spirit. What do we think about our community? We all spoke!
The 2023 Community Survey by ETC Institute, linked in its’ entirety here, explores community perception of Dallas for better or worse. From the perspective of the quality of life to city services, upward mobility, and access. Here is a look at how we evaluate ourselves and a discussion of how we look to make a difference moving forward.
Perceptions of Dallas Overview
Perception of the Overall Quality of Life:
55% of surveyed residents perceive the quality of life in Dallas as "excellent" (7%) or "good" (48%), underscoring a positive outlook. Only 8% of respondents felt it was poor, reflecting a generally content community.
Ratings of Dallas as a Place to Live, Work, and do Business:
75% viewed it as an "excellent" (26%) or "good" (49%) place to work, and 76% considered it an "excellent" (29%) or "good" (47%) place to do business. Additionally, 62% find it an "excellent" (13%) or "good" (29%) place to call home.
Ratings of Various Characteristics and Opportunities:
Residents appreciate the cultural richness of Dallas, with 73% rating opportunities for arts and cultural events as "excellent" (28%) or "good" (45%). 51% view the overall image/reputation of Dallas positively.
Ratings of Access in the Community:
The survey shows a positive perception of access, with 55% rating access to affordable, quality food as "excellent" (16%) or "good" (39%). Additionally, 46% find access to quality education to be "excellent" (12%) or "good" (34%).
Ratings of Mobility in the Community:
Dallas residents commend the city's mobility, with 79% rating the ease of air travel as "excellent" (31%) or "good" (48%). However, there's room for improvement, especially in rail travel (37% "excellent" or "good") and car travel in the city (33% "excellent" or "good").
Speed of Growth:
70% feel population growth is "much too fast" or "too fast," 37% believe job growth is "much too slow" or "too slow."
Perceptions of Problems in the City: Homelessness (75%), crime (61%), drugs (60%), infrastructure/streets (55%), and aggressive solicitation and panhandling (45%)
Perception of Safety in the City:
Residents feel safest in their neighborhoods during the day (72%), Dallas' restaurant/retail areas during the day (71%), from fire (62%), and in Dallas's parks during the day (62%). Parks after dark, however, raise some safety concerns (9%).
At DCH, we are encouraged by these statistics. While they do not speak directly to housing, they speak to the motivations of the community. We feel safe, we want to live in Dallas, we want to make a life in Dallas, and we feel like we can move up in Dallas. One of the standout issues above all else…. is housing and homelessness. Let’s work together to tackle housing. Workforce housing, affordable housing, and the hidden barriers to housing and homebuying in Dallas are in all of our best interest in 2024. That is our resolution to you, our community. Keep working together as a community and for Dallas towards more equitable and inclusive housing.