DCH Learning Center: Small Business Resources Dallas

DCH has the capability to turn underperforming properties into new homes and future homes (and headquarters) of small businesses in the Southern Dallas area. We follow adaptive reuse principles, where possible, and partner with community leaders and businesses to make neighborhoods more diverse and equitable. One way we want to help support our communities is to offer guidance and resources to help fulfill small business dreams. Owning a small business is a dream for many, and there are a number of resources in Dallas and Federally, that help make these dreams a reality. Here are just some of the available local grants, businesses, agencies, and entities that offer guidance, mentorship, and funds to build small businesses in our community. 

Texas Grants 

The United States Small Business Administration local office for Dallas offers funding, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and can also connect small business owners with lenders and community groups dedicated to the success of your business. Click here to make an appointment. 

Here are some of the Small Business Grant opportunities available in the DFW area

Angel Investor Networks 

Send me an Angel! Did you know there are networks of Angel Investors in Texas who invest in small businesses? If you were considering a small business loan, but interest rates were a concern, this could also be a good option. Angel investors are typically private investors that provide equity funding for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and young businesses. Since the funding is equity, they would typically have shares in the business. The North Texas Angel Network is a great resource to connect you to this type of funding in Dallas. Click here to learn more. 

Product Development and Incubator Programs 

Long term asset based loans are available to businesses in manufacturing. This funding is awarded to those who bring new types of products to Texas for export and consumption in state. Click here to read more about the Small Business Product Development and Small Business Incubator Fund. 

USDA Funding and Resources

The United States Department of Agriculture offers loans, loan guarantees, grants, and technical assistance to businesses, coops, farmers, ranchers, private companies in rural communities, and non profits. These funds are meant to stimulate rural industries, but they do not necessarily have to be located in rural areas. For example, if you have a cottage industry that relies on products produced in one of the rural areas, you might be able to qualify for this type of funding and grants. Click here to learn more! 

Texas Workforce Training Grants 

The Skills for Small Business grant is available to businesses with fewer than 100 employees and it offers training for new and full-time workers in certain industries. The grant is also available to existing employees for advanced training. Trainings take place at community or technical colleges, or the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX).  This is a great way to expand your business or make it more competive. 

Non Profit Lenders 

Non Profit lenders offer more favorable terms, including lower interest rates, business training events, and mentoring. Also called Community Development Financial Institutions, they help disadvantaged businesses and entrepreneurs obtain financing. Some of the lenders in the DFW area are BCL of Texas, LiftFund, and PeopleFund

Beyond Funding 

We discussed traditional small business loans and funding last week, but did you know there are other ways that can turn your dream into reality, in the form of savings and rebates? More programs are available to those who qualify for tax considerations for building small businesses and investing in certain areas. The term areas do not only apply to a physical location but also to industries. Whether you are investing in your workforce, investing in new technologies, or looking to grow a cottage industry product, there are many ways to make a difference in your community by following your dreams. We hope these resources help.