Affordable Housing Myths

Dallas City Homes has been a change agent in Dallas for over 30 years. Revitalizing properties as a non-profit and developer, we consider ourselves as developers of affordable living over affordable housing. The communities resulting from our developments have withstood the strictest scrutiny from officials and neighbors, and are integrated into vibrant Dallas neighborhoods. In this blog we want to debunk some of the 3 most common and damaging myths around affordable housing. We are also sharing commentary and experience from our team on how Dallas City Homes projects have impacted the communities in positive ways, and defied stereotypes. 

Affordable housing does not lower home values 

Studies have been conducted by both public and private sector experts, and even residential care facilities or supportive housing, do not substantially affect property values. Property values are primarily determined by condition of property, area development, and market factors. Studies that came to similar conclusions were conducted by the U.S. General Accounting Office, Coopers and Lybrand, U.C.B. 's Institute for Urban and Regional Development, California's Department of Housing and Community Development, and Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

In fact, in many instances affordable housing may increase property values. Dallas City Homes projects are both aesthetic improvements and owning where you are proud to live, encourages upkeep and investment in the area. 

DCH Comment on home values 

Affordable housing is not cheap or poorly built 

Many people do not know that affordable housing is built to the same codes, if not more strict, than homes developed by any licensed builder or contractor. Since affordable housing is usually funded by private and public monies, they are held to a much stricter standard. We are committed to making sure our projects are not only built to the highest standards, but are also really comfortable and designed to make living not only affordable, but enjoyable, and sustainable. 

Affordable housing does not increase crime

Low income housing does not increase crime. Numerous studies have proven that affordable housing does not increase crime. What is most damaging? The stereotypes of affordable housing. Affordable Housing is not crime ridden, built poorly, or populated by dangerous people. Quite the contrary. The modern affordable housing developments offer amazing amenities from farmers markets, childcare, and much more. These amenities are proven to offer residents a stake in building and protecting their community. 
